
I came across this quote and smiled broadly:

“The two most powerful warriors are patience and time.”

Leo Tolstoy

Considering the author’s War and Peace clocks in at 520K plus words (Anna Karenina comes in at less than 350K-slacker), this is fitting. However, it isn’t as daunting as you may think. If one tortured soul sat down in front of the computer or typewriter, it would only take 1,400 words a day for a year to hit that mark. Editing is where life would become complicated. So, if I could change the quote, I might say, “The three most powerful warriors are consistency, patience, and time.”


  • These are ambitious works. From an author standpoint, always good to read this tome on Russian authors.
  • Picture taken at a Barnes and Noble, these works are massive in scope and scale.
  • Background on Tolstoy.